What Happens to a Mortgage During Divorce?

Laura E. Shapiro -

Keys to a house

You will need to continue paying your mortgage during divorce proceedings, at least until you know the final decision and who will gain possession of the home.

You may be able to get temporary orders for possession of the house, and even financial support to help you make the mortgage payment if you are living there with your children but cannot make the payment.

If neither you nor your spouse can make the payment on your own, you may need to consider agreeing to sell the house.

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How to Value a Private Medical Practice for a Divorce?

Laura E. Shapiro -

empty patient room at doctor office

There are several ways to value a private medical practice for a divorce, but we recommend leaving this to professionals.

When we handle a divorce that includes a private medical practice, we rely on appraisers and experts who can weigh the numerous factors that are necessary to consider for determining a credible estimate of value.

Colorado is an equitable division state, meaning not all property obtained during the marriage is necessarily joint marital property or that the property has to be divided.

This complicates things further, since the circumstances of your case will determine what proportion, if any, of this value will be subject to division for settling the divorce.

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Valuing a Veterinary Practice for a Divorce

Laura E. Shapiro -

Veterinarian giving a dog a shot

When you established your veterinary practice, chances are you did not anticipate that your business would be on the property division list for your divorce.

Your veterinary practice is marital property (i.e., property and assets either spouse acquired during the marriage) under Colorado law, unless you started your practice before you were married or excluded it in a premarital agreement

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Five Financial Mistakes to Avoid in Divorce

Laura E. Shapiro -

Your financial situation after divorce may be very different from what it was during your marriage. There may be additional expenses you did not account for. Your income may be lower than it had been. If you receive spousal maintenance, it may ... Read more

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Hidden Assets and Unreported Income

Laura E. Shapiro -

Financial transparency is a vital principle in matters involving divorce, child support, spousal maintenance and prenuptial agreements. If a party attempts to hide assets or understate income, it can rebound negatively on that party. At Shapiro Family Law in Denver, Colorado, we ... Read more

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Protecting Your Fair Share of Investment Accounts

Laura E. Shapiro -

During divorce, the marital portion of investment accounts (including taxable accounts, tax-deferred accounts. tax-exempt accounts and annuities) must be identified and divided on an equitable basis or offset against other assets. There are many complex aspects to this task, including issues involving ... Read more

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Valuing a Business in Divorce

Laura E. Shapiro -

Placing a value on a business or professional practice is not always a simple exercise. There can be numerous issues that require careful analysis and research. At Shapiro Family Law, we have extensive experience in divorces involving the ownership of businesses, the ... Read more

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Protecting Your Retirement Assets in a Divorce

Laura E. Shapiro -

For many people, the money they have saved for retirement is their largest single asset, perhaps rivaled only by the equity in their homes. During a divorce, it is essential that you receive your fair share of that money. At Shapiro Family ... Read more

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What Is Marital Property and Debt?

Laura E. Shapiro -

In a dissolution or legal separation, the court has the jurisdiction (or authority) to equitably divide and allocate marital property. Marital property includes all property obtained by a spouse during the marriage, regardless of title (it doesn’t matter if the car, house, ... Read more

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