Divorce Mediation Checklist

Laura E. Shapiro -

Divorce Mediation Checklist

Divorce mediation is a collaborative and cost-effective way for divorcing couples to settle their differences without the need for a long and expensive court battle.

Sounds Great, Right?

This divorce mediation checklist is designed to help you thoroughly prepare for your divorce mediation session.

With the goal of having a smooth and productive mediation that leads to a settlement.

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Colorado Divorce Law 101: A Guide to the Divorce Process

Laura E. Shapiro -

Divorce is not an easy process, and not having a basic understanding of Colorado divorce law can make it very difficult.

But that's where this article comes in.

After reading this, you will have a good understanding of Colorado law and the divorce process so that you can proceed with a clear picture of what to expect and be well prepared.

Should You File a Motion To Restrict Parenting Time?

Laura E. Shapiro -

You're considering filing an emergency motion to restrict parenting time.

But should you?

If you file the motion, the Colorado statute states that further parenting time has to be supervised, and the Court must schedule a hearing within 14 days.

The restriction means the other parent will only be allowed visitation under the supervision of an unrelated third party.


If you cannot justify the restriction on parenting time to the Court, unsupervised parenting time will resume, and you may be required to pay the other parent's attorney fees and costs.

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Examples of Parental Alienation 

Laura E. Shapiro -

Parental alienation is a process where one parent manipulates the children into having an unfavorable perception of the other parent. 

This conscious and sometimes subconscious manipulation aims to damage and estrange the relationship between the children and the other parent.  

Parental alienation is a complex and concerning issue faced by many families who go through divorce.

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How to Prove Parental Alienation

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Parental alienation is a complex and often misunderstood issue that can have a long-term negative impact on children amid a divorce or other parental disputes.

If your ex is exhibiting alienating behavior, it is important to address the issue before it does too much damage to your child's mental health and their relationship with you.

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Your Guide to Uncontested Divorce in Colorado

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Uncontested Divorce Colorado

Have you and your spouse decided to end your marriage? If so, you might be overwhelmed at your options, along with the legal jargon that surrounds the process.

One of the questions you might be wondering is, "What is an uncontested divorce?" As you navigate your next steps, it helps to have access to the clear answers you need.

In this post, we'll answer that question so you can better understand how an uncontested divorce works and what it means for your family.

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How Long Do You Have to Pay Spousal Support?

Laura E. Shapiro -

Analog alarm clock

How long you have to pay spousal support depends on a few different factors.

You can pay spousal support for a short time or continue making payments even after you retire.

A judge takes a number of factors into consideration before determining the amount and duration of monthly spousal support payments.

One primary factor is the length of your marriage. The longer you were married, the longer you may have to pay spousal support.

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How is Property Divided in a Divorce in Colorado

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If you and your spouse have agreed it’s time to go your separate ways, you may be asking, “How is property divided in a divorce in Colorado?”

It’s difficult to let go of the assets you’ve worked for over the years. However, just because you’re divorcing doesn’t mean that you’ll lose everything.

Understanding Legal Separation in Colorado

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If your marriage is going through a rough patch and you want to separate from your spouse, divorce isn’t your only option.

You can file for legal separation and live away from your spouse without completely dissolving the marriage.

Divorce Mediation vs. Lawyer In Denver Colorado

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Sign that says Mediation Process

If you and your spouse have decided to get a divorce, you might be wondering whether it’s best to go through mediation or let the courts rule on issues such as property division and child custody in a formal legal proceeding.

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