Is Colorado a No-Fault Divorce State?

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No Fault Divorce - parent walking away from family

Yes, Colorado is a “no-fault” divorce state. The Court does not assign fault to either spouse during divorce proceedings and does not consider any alleged bad behavior when handling divorce proceedings.

This can help reduce the acrimony that occurs during court proceedings, and it also makes it easier for judges to navigate complex asset division cases.  “Bad behavior” includes affairs and other acts.

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Can Grandparents Get Visitation of Grandchildren After Divorce?

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Gandmother and Granddaughter playing on a tablet

In some cases, grandparents can get visitation of grandchildren after a divorce in Colorado.

Under state law, the courts can decide if it is in a child’s best interest to have regular visitation with their grandparents. Many factors play into this decision, and these cases are often not easy to win.

The laws that offer the right to request visitation to grandparents only allow it in particular circumstances and they still must prove their case very convincingly.

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Do You Need a Divorce Forensic Accountant?

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Forensic Accountant

Whether you need a forensic accountant for your divorce depends on the circumstances.

A forensic accountant can be a crucial part of your team when you are navigating a high asset or complicated divorce, or if you suspect your spouse is hiding income or assets.

Forensic accountants provide litigation support, expert witness testimony or help in understanding the impact a particular divorce agreement could have on your financial future.

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22 Things To Do Before Filing For Divorce

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Things You Need To Do Before Filing For A Divorce

Divorce rates are currently increasing, and there are many factors that have contributed to this.

Some of the increase is because people marry at a young age. Some issues arise around money, and for some, there are issues of poor mental health and even domestic violence.

Whatever the reason,

the divorce process is known for being long-winded and complicated which is why a divorce lawyer is important to learn the things to do before filing for divorce.

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How to Have an Amicable Divorce

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Amicable Divorce Denver

Going through a divorce is never an easy process, and it can be especially difficult when trying to end things on amicable terms.

It is possible to achieve an amicable divorce however, by following certain steps and keeping the focus on creating a better future for both parties.

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How to Navigate a Divorce When You Have a Family Business

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Divorce Family Business

In the United States, there are 5.5 million family businesses and 85% of start-ups begin with the use of family money. When you have a family business it is a balancing act between the needs of the family and the needs of the business. This puts stress on the marriage.

The stress of balancing work and home can result in divorce, and the stress of divorce can lead to problems with the operation of the business. 

Read on to learn how to navigate the divorce process when operating a family business.

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Understanding Child Custody Agreements

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Child Custody Agreements

A child custody case can prove challenging for both you and your children, but one of the best things that you can do is educate yourself about child custody agreements.

The more you know about the situation, the better prepared you'll be when you go to court. We do not want to keep you waiting for this need to know information; continue reading now for everything that you need to know.

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5 Questions to Ask a Divorce Lawyer During Your Consultation

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Questions for Denver Divorce Attorney

The divorce process is not the time to try to navigate the family law system on your own. Divorce is stressful and overwhelming enough.

You need an experienced attorney to lead you through it. 

A divorce attorney can impact everything from how long the divorce takes to division of assets to child custody. Hiring a divorce lawyer is necessary, but you should not just settle for any attorney.

Here are five questions to ask a divorce lawyer.

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Legal Separation vs Divorce: Understand the Key Differences

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Did you know that in America, one divorce happens every 36 seconds? 

If you are trying to decide whether you should get a legal separation vs divorce, understanding the difference can help you decide. 

That is why today, we have created this quick guide to help you understand the exact difference between a divorce and a legal separation. Keep reading to learn more!

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Divorcing with Kids: How to Make the Process Easier on Them

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Parent holding child - divorcing with kids

Do you know that there are over 1 million American children that suffer as a result of divorce every year?

How your child will react as a result the divorce will depend on their age, the circumstances of the divorce, and the personality that they have.

When you are divorcing with kids, your main concern may be how you can make the entire divorce process easier for your child.

That's why today, we've created this quick guide to help you find ways to comfort your child during the divorce process. Keep reading to learn more!

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