Should I hire a private judge for my divorce?

Laura E. Shapiro -

judges gavel

There's a unique trend appearing among the jet set for handling divorces quickly and with less publicity than going the traditional route:

private judges

But is this something you can take advantage of as an ordinary person without Hollywood connections?

Yes, Colorado does allow privately hired judges to hear and rule on a variety of cases, including divorce. The important question you may be asking, however, is: will it work for me?

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The protection of divorce without actually getting divorced

Laura E. Shapiro -

White padlock on blue circular background

There are many reasons why you and your spouse may not wish to move forward with a divorce at this time.

From the many tax benefits of remaining married to religious concerns, a legal separation may be the most beneficial option for you at this time.

Like other Colorado couples who make this choice, you would be wise to seek a formal separation agreement, not just a verbal agreement.

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Co-parenting successfully after divorce

Laura E. Shapiro -

Co-parenting is not always easy, especially if a divorce has been contentious or if the parents' styles of raising children are very different.


there are ways to successfully co-parent so that children get the happiest, healthiest experience possible.

silhouette of a adults holding hands above the head of two children
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Staying in Business Together While Getting a Divorce

Laura E. Shapiro -

A man and woman shaking hands

You married your business partner, but after years of disagreements, you are now considering divorce.

At the same time, the company you run together is making enough money to support each of you in life beyond marriage.

You don't want to give up your career or your business. How can you get past all the arguing, bitter resentment and emotional damage and still work side by side? In the right circumstances, and with agreements in writing, it can be done.

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Getting divorced? Time to brush up on financial knowledge

Laura E. Shapiro -

Woman counting coins

Whether you are in a stable marriage or are looking at a possible divorce, the fact is life can throw you a curve ball in an instant and leave you on uncertain ground.

This is especially true for the spouse who has stayed at home to care for the kids while the "bread-winner" handled all the financial matters, from weekly paycheck deposits to balancing the checkbook.

If you no longer have the in-house accountant watching the books, would you know how to care for the family funds?

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Important Guidance for Couples Navigating High-Asset Divorce

Laura E. Shapiro -

A pile of maps

While there are many different reasons that a couple might wind up getting divorced, even the most amicable of divorces can become complicated if there is high net-worth involved.

There might be multiple properties to allocate, a family business that must be divided, and investment portfolios that must be addressed.

This process becomes even more complicated if there are children involved.

As a result, couples with significant assets should keep a few legal tips in mind to ensure that they minimize the cost of the divorce process and obtain a fair divorce settlement.

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Mediation may be a good choice for your Colorado divorce

Laura E. Shapiro -

Mediator speaking with couple

People often approach divorce with concerns about drawn-out courtroom battles, but the there are concrete, smart steps that can be taken to avoid that scenario.

One alternative that merits consideration is mediation, which we regularly facilitate in our law office.

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How can I prepare for property division?

Laura E. Shapiro -

people and property on either side of a crack

Are you wondering how your property will be divided in your upcoming divorce? Although it is largely up to the parties involved, every state has statutes that address this.

For that reason, you will likely need help making good arguments for why you should get what is rightfully yours.

It is important to know that in Colorado, there is no "community property" law.

Colorado is what is known as an "equitable division" state. Therefore it is important to discuss with your lawyer what you believe to be fair.

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How parents of children with disabilities can handle divorce

Laura E. Shapiro -

Father with child on his shoulders

As parents, we do so much for our kids. If you are a parent of a child with a disability or special needs, you understand that often the willingness to do something for your child turns into a necessity.

Sometimes parents are willing to make a broken marriage work for the sake of their children, but if your marriage is beyond reconciliation, you may be thinking about divorce.

If you are a parent of a child with a disability and are thinking about divorce, consideration for your child's needs will be at the forefront of issues to resolve before your divorce is finalized.

Specific arrangements for long-term care, education and financial support need to be made for your child beyond the age of 18.

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