Colorado Divorce Law 101: A Guide to the Divorce Process

Laura E. Shapiro -

Divorce is not an easy process, and not having a basic understanding of Colorado divorce law can make it very difficult.

But that's where this article comes in.

After reading this, you will have a good understanding of Colorado law and the divorce process so that you can proceed with a clear picture of what to expect and be well prepared.

At What Age Does Child Support Stop in Colorado

Laura E. Shapiro -

If you’re paying or will be paying child support, you may be wondering:

At what age does child support stop?

The answer, in most cases, is at the age of 19 in Colorado.


That doesn’t necessarily mean the child support obligation for your child or children will end when they turn 19.

If You Have Joint Custody Who Pays Child Support?

Laura E. Shapiro -

Each parent has an obligation to pay child support. However, in cases that involve shared physical custody, who pays child support?

In most instances, both parents must still pay their share of support, even if they share physical custody of their children.

What Happens if You Don’t Pay Child Support in Colorado?

Laura E. Shapiro -

For many parents, child support payments are vital to ensuring their children's well-being. But what happens when circumstances change, and you find it challenging to make these payments? 

Understanding the consequences of failing to pay child support and the options available to help you navigate this difficult situation is essential.

Colorado Custody Laws for Unmarried Parents

Laura E. Shapiro -

If you and your partner have children together and are ending your relationship, you might wonder how Colorado handles child custody when you’re not married.

If so, you aren’t alone. Many unwed Colorado couples share children, so your situation is common.

How is Property Divided in a Divorce in Colorado

Laura E. Shapiro -

If you and your spouse have agreed it’s time to go your separate ways, you may be asking, “How is property divided in a divorce in Colorado?”

It’s difficult to let go of the assets you’ve worked for over the years. However, just because you’re divorcing doesn’t mean that you’ll lose everything.

Understanding Legal Separation in Colorado

Laura E. Shapiro -

If your marriage is going through a rough patch and you want to separate from your spouse, divorce isn’t your only option.

You can file for legal separation and live away from your spouse without completely dissolving the marriage.

8 Tips for Parents Dealing With Split Custody During a Health Crisis

Laura E. Shapiro -

Co-parenting after a divorce is never easy. Trying to navigate split custody during a pandemic is even more challenging.

As a parent, you may be worried about your job, future income, your child's education, and more. In uncertain times, children need their parents to set an example of how to cope.

Finding a Family Lawyer in Denver, CO

Laura E. Shapiro -

If you are in need of a family lawyer, you do not want to hire just anyone. Whether you need a lawyer to handle your divorce, child custody, or child support (or all of those issues), you want someone who is experienced and can help you successfully navigate the process. 

We have a few tips that you should follow to find a good family lawyer.

Family Law 101: Understanding Family Law in Denver, CO

Laura E. Shapiro -

A divorce is one of the most stressful things that a person can go through. In fact, it is in the top 5 most stressful life events. Along with the stress of ending your marriage, you have to navigate the family law system. 

Chances are, you are not familiar with family law, and that is where we come in.