Parental alienation is a process where one parent manipulates the children into having an unfavorable perception of the other parent.
This conscious and sometimes subconscious manipulation aims to damage and estrange the relationship between the children and the other parent.
Parental alienation is a complex and concerning issue faced by many families who go through divorce.
Below, you’ll find some fictional examples of parental alienation to give you an idea of what it looks like.
Recognizing the Signs of Parental Alienation

Table of Contents
Types of Parental Alienation:
Psychological Manipulation by a Parent

Psychological manipulation often involves one parent speaking negatively about the other parent in front of the child.
This type of manipulation can include blaming the parent for all the issues the family has and portraying them as unloving or uncaring.
Example Scenario:
Emily and John recently went through a divorce. They have an 8-year-old daughter, Sophie. During their marriage, John was a loving and involved father and husband.
Unfortunately, the marriage fell apart due to growing differences between Emily and John. After the divorce, Emily gained primary custody of Sophie.
Narrative of Psychological Manipulation:
Badmouthing and Blame:
Emily frequently speaks negatively about John in front of Sophie. She blames him for the divorce and the disruption of their family life, often saying things like, “Your father left us because he didn’t care enough about our family.”
Undermining the Relationship:
Whenever John sends gifts or tries to have his scheduled phone call with Sophie, Emily intercepts them and either discards the gifts or tells Sophie that her father forgot to call.
She says things like, “See, your father is too busy to even remember your birthday.”
Falsifying Narratives:
Emily tells Sophie exaggerated or false stories about John’s past behavior, painting him as irresponsible and uncaring.
For example, she might say, “Your father never wanted to spend time with you when we were together. He always chose his work over us.”
Exploiting the Child’s Emotions:
Emily manipulates Sophie’s feelings by playing the victim.
She often says, “I’m all alone now taking care of everything because your father left us. We can only rely on each other.”
Limiting Contact:

Emily refuses to let Sophie speak to John on the phone, and tells Sophie, “He’s too busy to talk to you” or “He’s not interested in our lives anymore.”
Creating Loyalty Conflicts: Emily often asks Sophie to choose between her parents, making her feel guilty for showing any affection towards John. She might say, “If you love me, you wouldn’t want to visit your father.”
Reinforcing Negative Perceptions:
Whenever Sophie asks about John, Emily reinforces her negative portrayal, ensuring that Sophie’s perception of her father is tainted.
She might say, “Remember, he chose to leave us.”
Impact on Sophie:
Sophie begins to believe her mother’s narratives. She feels abandoned and resentful towards John, refusing to talk to him during his calls and rejecting his attempts to see her.
She becomes anxious and withdrawn, struggling with feelings of betrayal and confusion.
This narrative demonstrates how psychological manipulation can be used in parental alienation, affecting the child’s perception of the alienated parent and damaging the parent-child relationship.
It’s important to recognize that such situations require careful handling, often involving professional intervention to help repair and rebuild the relationships involved.
Inducing Fear or Disrespect

A parent might instill fear or disrespect in the child towards the other parent.
An example is a mother making exaggerated claims about the father’s behavior, leading the child to fear staying with him.
David and Sarah divorced two years ago. They share custody of their 10-year-old son, Liam.
While David tries to maintain a positive relationship with Liam, Sarah harbors resentment towards David and is unwilling to co-parent amicably.
Narrative of Inducing Fear or Disrespect:
Planting Seeds of Fear:
Sarah subtly instills fear in Liam about staying with David.
She says things like, “Are you sure you’re safe with your dad? He can be quite unpredictable.”
Exaggerating or Lying About Past Incidents:
Sarah recounts past events, exaggerating details to portray David as dangerous.
For instance, she might say, “Remember when your dad lost his temper at the park last year? You need to be careful around him.”
Undermining Authority and Respect:
Sarah often dismisses David’s parenting decisions in front of Liam, undermining his authority.
She might comment, “Your dad doesn’t know what’s best for you. He’s never been good at understanding children.”
Encouraging Disobedience:

Sarah tells Liam that he doesn’t have to listen to David’s rules when he’s at his father’s house.
She suggests, “If you don’t like what your dad says, you don’t have to do it. You’re old enough to make your own decisions.”
Validating Negative Feelings:
Whenever Liam expresses any frustration or anger towards David, Sarah immediately validates and amplifies these feelings, even if they are minor or based on misunderstandings.
Creating a Sense of Loyalty:
Sarah subtly pressures Liam into feeling that showing respect or affection towards David is a betrayal to her.
She might say, “I’m always here for you, unlike your father. You know you can always trust me, right?”
Exploiting Moments of Fear:
If Liam ever expresses fear or discomfort about visiting David, Sarah uses this as an opportunity to reinforce her narrative, saying things like, “See, I told you. You’re always better off with me.”
Impact on Liam:
Gradually, Liam starts to view David with suspicion and fear. He becomes reluctant to spend time with his father and shows disrespect during his visits.
His relationship with David becomes strained, and he increasingly sides with Sarah, believing her portrayal of David as uncaring and potentially dangerous.
This narrative demonstrates how inducing fear or disrespect is a form of parental alienation that can significantly damage the child’s relationship with the alienated parent.
It also highlights the need for professional support and intervention in such cases to protect the child’s well-being and help restore a healthy family dynamic.
Lack of Impulse Control in Children

Children exposed to alienating behaviors may show signs of poor impulse control, like tantrums or aggression, especially when discussing the alienated parent or during transitions between homes.
After a challenging divorce, Michael and Claire share custody of their 12-year-old son, Dylan.
Michael, harboring resentment towards Claire, often vents his frustrations in front of Dylan, influencing his perception and behavior.
Narrative of Lack of Impulse Control in Children as a Result of Parental Alienation:
Constant Exposure to Negative Talk:
Michael frequently criticizes Claire in front of Dylan, attributing the family’s struggles to her.
He might say, “Your mother’s decisions have caused all our problems.”
Mirroring Emotional Responses:
Dylan starts adopting his father’s emotional responses. He begins to show anger and frustration towards Claire, mimicking the sentiments expressed by Michael.
This is evident during exchanges between homes, where Dylan’s behavior becomes increasingly hostile.
Difficulty in Emotional Regulation:
The continuous exposure to negativity impacts Dylan’s ability to regulate his emotions.
He frequently has tantrums and reacts angrily, both in school and during visits with Claire.
Acting Out Against the Alienated Parent:

When staying with Claire, Dylan’s behavior becomes challenging.
He disobeys rules, acts out, and shows disrespect, mirroring the disdain he’s absorbed from Michael’s comments and attitudes.
Struggling with Loyalty Conflicts:
Caught in the middle of his parents’ conflict, Dylan experiences significant stress.
This exacerbates his impulse control issues as he grapples with feelings of divided loyalty.
Rejection of the Alienated Parent:
Influenced by Michael’s behavior and comments, Dylan starts showing a reluctance to spend time with Claire.
He often refuses visitation, aligning more with his father’s negative stance.
Impact on Social Interactions:
Dylan’s challenges with impulse control extend beyond family interactions.
He struggles in social settings with peers and teachers, leading to potential isolation and difficulties in his social and academic life.
Impact on Dylan:
The ongoing parental alienation and exposure to negative talk from Michael profoundly affect Dylan.
His inability to control his impulses strains his relationship with Claire and significantly impacts his emotional health and social development.
This narrative demonstrates how the emotional turmoil and negative influence from an alienating parent can manifest as a lack of impulse control in children, deeply affecting their behavior and relationships.
It underscores the need for intervention and support to address the underlying issues of parental alienation and to help the child develop healthier emotional and behavioral responses.
Separation Anxiety in Children

A child might exhibit intense distress about leaving the alienating parent, often due to the parent’s emotional manipulation or expressions of loneliness when the child is away.
Helen and Tom divorced when their daughter, Mia, was six years old.
Helen, who harbors resentment towards Tom, has primary custody of Mia. Tom, who remains a dedicated father, has visitation rights.
Narrative of Separation Anxiety as a Result of Parental Alienation:
Creating Dependency:
Helen often expresses her need for Mia’s constant presence and support.
She says things like, “I don’t know what I would do without you. You’re all I have.”
Instilling Fear about Visitation:

Before visits to Tom’s house, Helen becomes visibly upset and anxious, saying things like, “I’ll be so lonely without you. Are you sure you have to go?”
Emphasizing Negative Experiences:
Helen frequently reminds Mia of any negative experiences or discomfort she might have had at Tom’s house, even minor ones, reinforcing the idea that Mia should not want to leave her side.
Discouraging Independence:
When Mia shows any interest in activities outside the home, like sleepovers or camps, Helen reacts with worry and discouragement, saying, “I don’t think that’s a good idea. You might not be safe without me.”
Exaggerating Health Concerns:
Helen sometimes overstates her health issues or emotional struggles when Mia is due to visit Tom, implying that she needs Mia to stay home to take care of her.
Reacting Negatively to Return from Visits:
Upon Mia’s return from Tom’s, Helen is cold and distant, subtly punishing Mia for her absence, which makes Mia anxious about leaving her mother in the future.
Leveraging Guilt:
Helen often makes Mia feel guilty for spending time away from her, saying things like, “I was so worried and sad while you were gone. Didn’t you miss me?”
Impact on Mia:
Mia develops severe separation anxiety, becoming extremely distressed about leaving her mother for any reason, including visits to Tom.
She begins to refuse visits, fearing that her absence will harm her mother.
This anxiety also starts to affect other areas of her life, like friendships and school activities, as Mia becomes more reluctant to participate in anything that requires her to be away from Helen.
This narrative demonstrates how the manipulative behaviors of an alienating parent can foster separation anxiety in a child, affecting their relationship with the other parent and hindering their overall development.
Addressing such issues often requires professional intervention to help the child overcome their anxiety and restore a balanced relationship with both parents.
Development of Fears and Phobias

A child might develop irrational fears about visiting the alienated parent or participating in activities away from the alienating parent, often stemming from negative portrayals or anxiety-inducing comments.
In the wake of Lisa and Steven’s divorce, their 7-year-old son, Tyler, primarily resides with Steven.
Amidst their strained relationship, Steven often conveys his distrust and negative opinions of Lisa to Tyler, shaping his perception and feelings toward her.
Narrative of Development of Fears and Phobias as a Result of Parental Alienation:
Associating fear with the Alienated Parent:
Steven frequently shares unsettling and exaggerated stories about Lisa with Tyler.
He portrays her as unreliable and even frightening, often saying things like, “Remember, your mom can be really unpredictable and scary sometimes.”
Reinforcing Fear Through Behavior:
When it’s time for Tyler to visit Lisa, Steven shows overt anxiety and concern, asking leading questions like, “Are you sure you want to go? I hope you’ll be okay with her.”
This behavior reinforces Tyler’s growing fear and apprehension about staying with his mother.
Creating an Environment of Anxiety:

Conversations at Steven’s house about Lisa are consistently tense and negative.
This atmosphere of anxiety and distrust leads Tyler to develop a phobia about visiting his mother, worrying excessively about what might happen during these visits.
Amplifying Minor Incidents:
If Tyler ever expresses minor discomfort or fear about something related to Lisa, Steven seizes on these feelings, exaggerating them to validate his negative narrative.
For instance, if Tyler mentions feeling uneasy during a previous visit, Steven might say, “That’s because it’s not safe there like it is here with me.”
Encouraging Avoidance:
Steven subtly encourages Tyler to avoid activities or events that involve Lisa.
He might suggest, “If you’re not comfortable going to your mom’s for the weekend, you can stay here with me. You should always feel safe.”
Instilling Fear of Abandonment:
Steven manipulates Tyler by suggesting that spending time with Lisa might weaken their own bond.
He could say something like, “Every time you go there, I feel like we’re drifting apart. We’re a team, aren’t we?”
Impact on Tyler:
Gradually, Tyler develops a deep-seated fear of spending time with Lisa. He starts having nightmares about visits with her and becomes anxious and withdrawn when her name is brought up.
His fear extends beyond just visits, affecting his overall sense of security and emotional well-being.
This narrative demonstrates how the development of fears and phobias can be a form of parental alienation, with long-lasting effects on the child’s emotional and psychological well-being.
Addressing these issues often requires professional support to help the child overcome their fears and rebuild a healthy relationship with the alienated parent.
Understanding and Addressing Parental Alienation

Parental alienation presents a significant challenge in family dynamics, especially in the context of divorce.
As we’ve illustrated through the examples above, parental alienation includes behaviors such as psychological manipulation, inducing fear or disrespect, lack of impulse control in children, separation anxiety, and the development of fears and phobias.
These behaviors not only strain the relationship between the child and the alienated parent but also impact the child’s emotional and psychological well-being.
However, it is critical to approach the issue of parental alienation with caution and understanding.
Not all negative behaviors or attitudes displayed by children towards one parent are a result of alienation. They can sometimes be responses to other underlying issues within the family or individual experiences of the child.
Therefore, professional evaluation is essential in these cases.
Experts such as Parental Responsibilities Evaluators (PRE) and Child Family Investigators (CFI) play a crucial role in assessing the family situation, identifying signs of alienation, and recommending appropriate interventions.
Their involvement ensures a thorough and unbiased evaluation, safeguarding the child’s best interests.
For those who are facing situations where parental alienation is a concern, gathering evidence is key to proving the behavior is occurring.
For more information on the type of evidence to collect and what to do about alienation, check out our article: “How to Prove Parental Alienation.”
Ultimately, the goal in addressing parental alienation is to foster a healthy and positive environment for the child, ensuring their emotional and psychological needs are met and maintaining their relationship with both parents wherever possible.
With the right approach and professional support, it is possible to overcome the challenges of parental alienation and rebuild healthier family dynamics.
If you have any questions or concerns about parental alienation and what to do, please contact a Denver divorce lawyer or a Denver child custody lawyer if you’re unmarried or already divorced.